School Theme Song
我們是新中國的⼩主⼈ We are the junior master of new China,
我們是民族的新⾎輪 We are the new heir of the people,
像駿⾺奔跑 Running like horses,
想脫兔跳躍 Hopping like hares,
我們是多麼英豪 We are so proud.
能進取⼜能爭氣 Hard-working and pursue excellency,
互助合作決不相欺 Cooperation and do not deceive,
努⼒團結團結努⼒ Work together and do the best,
⼋德備四維張 Have 8 virtues of life and perform 4 principles of morality
台東⼤學附⼩校譽遠颺 Taitung University Affiliated Elementary School has a widespread good reputation.